We have an amazing End of Winter basic perm deal for you this August! Take advantage of these exclusive deals while you still can! <img width="219" height="219" src="https://scontent-syd2-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.29350-15/447102398_341639982037901_1858373303956029968_n.webp?stp=dst-jpg&_nc_cat=102&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=18de74&_nc_ohc=u0xQJLwg0c0Q7kNvgELgG22&_nc_ht=scontent-syd2-1.cdninstagram.com&edm=AM6HXa8EAAAA&oh=00_AYCOkGyfug8cldVf9_CJB1KlmE4KhJogSlMKdK03XDe43w&oe=66B230D4" alt="Style – Undercut + Afro curls permanent wave 🌊 by Mina <br> <br> MILK HAIR @milkhairhamilton<br> Online Booking Available -10%off<br> https://phorest.com/book/salons/milkehairhamilton <br> <br> If you have any questions, Please send DM or Text 0403535439 anytime <br> <br> A: Shop 5/68 Racecourse Road Hamilton 4007 (Parking Available)<br> P: (07) 3868 1828 <br> Text : 0403535439<br> <img width="175" height="219" src="https://scontent-syd2-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t39.30808-6/452140639_18445968313004265_5979718047201984044_n.webp?stp=dst-jpg&_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=18de74&_nc_ohc=bOwYEsKmciEQ7kNvgFelC2q&_nc_ht=scontent-syd2-1.cdninstagram.com&edm=AM6HXa8EAAAA&oh=00_AYAtjL9Urfiv0LrWZuJZBa2KUSGp70YeVxa_RCSR-3rH9w&oe=66B22202" alt="Style – curly perm 🌊 + 1 fade cut by Mina & Katrina <br> <br> MILK HAIR @milkhairhamilton<br> Online Booking Available -10%off<br> https://phorest.com/book/salons/milkehairhamilton <br> <br> If you have any questions, Please send DM or Text 0403535439 anytime <br> <br> A: Shop 5/68 Racecourse Road Hamilton 4007 (Parking Available)<br> P: (07) 3868 1828 <br> Text : 0403535439<br> We have limited availability this month, so make sure you book your next appointment ASAP! ⏳ Book Now! BASIC PERM 10% OFF ALL AUGUST! Enjoy a sensational 10% off on all basic perms! We’ve dropped the price for the entire month of August! Book this month to save! Book Your Perm! GIFT CARD AVAILABLE Looking for the perfect gift? With a variety of services to choose from, it’s the ideal way to show someone you care. Plus, for a limited time, enjoy an extra 10% off all online gift card purchases! Purchase an Online Gift Card We look forward to seeing you soon, Milk Hair Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram @milkhairhamilton milkhair.com | 0403 535 439 |
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